The Analysis of Students’ Perceptions on the Role of English Teachers in Teaching English in MTs. Az-Zikra Sorong


  • Iin Agustini Dwijayaty Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Ahmad Wael Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Rezkiah Hartanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Kris Uluelang Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
  • Lisa Suhayati Universitas Pamulang



Students’ Perception, Teachers’ Role, Teaching English


This research aims to analyze students’ perception on the role of English teachers in teaching English. The participants of this research were seven students. The participants were taken with purposive sampling. This research was conducted at seventh grade of Mts. Az-Zikra Kota Sorong. This research used qualitative method with qualitative descriptive approach. The instrument in this research were interview and questionnaire. The interview was used to obtain the data concerning the students’ motivations in learning English. However, the questionnaire was used to obtain the data concerning the role of teachers in teaching English.  The result shows that the teacher did her role in teaching English was promoter 0, 56 % as the first rank. It was followed by the role of assessor 0,48 % as the second rank. Moreover, The third rank of teacher’s role was controller and tutor 0,16 and followed by the teacher’s role as participant 0,08 % at fourth rank.




How to Cite

Dwijayaty, I. A., Wael, A., Hartanti, R., Uluelang, K., & Suhayati, L. (2024). The Analysis of Students’ Perceptions on the Role of English Teachers in Teaching English in MTs. Az-Zikra Sorong. JOLIES : Journal of Linguistic and English Studies, 1(2), 48–54.


