About the Journal

Journal title Journal of Law Justice
Initials JLJ
Frequency 3 issues per year | April, August and December.
DOI 10.33506
E-ISSN 3025-972X
Editor-in-chief Wahab Aznul Hidaya
Publisher Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
Citation  Google Scholar | Garuda| Indexcopernicus

Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) is a journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service and the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah Sorong University. Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) invites researchers, lecturers, and practitioners to exchange in advancing knowledge in the field of law which includes various aspects of law such as Criminal Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, State Administration Law, Procedural Law, Comparative Law and many more. Journal of Law Justice (JLJ) is published three times a year in April, August and December.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 August (2024): Journal of Law Justice (in press)
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