About the Journal

Sentralisasi is a journal published by the Economic Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong (UNAMIN) in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong Research and Community Service, published three times a year, in January, May, and September. Sentralisasi Focus on the results of empirical research as well as conceptual and theoretical studies in the following fields:

A. Management,   

  1. Human Resource Management,
  2. Consumer behavior,
  3. Marketing Management,
  4. Business management,
  5. Financial management,
  6. Information Management and Innovation,
  7. Entrepreneurship
  8. Islamic economics

B. Accountancy;

  1. Public Sector Accounting,
  2. Business Information System Audit,
  3. Cost Accounting and Management Accounting,

C. Development Economics;

  1. Econometrics,
  2. International Economics,
  3. Environmental Economics,
  4.  Public Economics,
  5. Monetary Economics,
  6. Human Resource Economics,
  7. Capital Market,

with research methodologies that meet the standards set for publication. Manuscript articles can come from researchers, academics, practitioners, and other economic observers who are interested in research in the field of economics.

The journal has been ACCREDITED with "3rd" grade by the Ministry of Research, Technology (RistekBRIN) of The Republic of Indonesia: SK-AKREDITASI NOMOR 148/M/KPT/2020

Starting from volume 10 (1) 2021 onwards, SENTRALISASI will increase the number of published articles from 5 articles to 15 articles in each published volume.

ISSN 1979-7567 (Print)ISSN 2614-4328 (Online)