Development Planning of Clean Water Distribution Network System in Teluk Keramat District of Sambas Regency


  • Ilma Rohaina Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Kiki Prio Utomo Universitas Tanjungpura
  • Ulli Kadaria Universitas Tanjungpura

Kata Kunci:

distribution network, Epanet 2.2, SPAM IKK Teluk Keramat


PERUMDA Tirta Muare Ulakan is regional government-owned enterprise engaged in providing clean water distribution services for the community in Sambas Regency. SPAM IKK Teluk Keramat can only serves 0.046% of the 75,773 population in Teluk Keramat District. The purpose of this planning is to plan the development of a clean water distribution network in the SPAM IKK Teluk Keramat distribution area. The data analysis stage starts from analyzing the current clean water demand. Distribution network analysis using Epanet 2.2 software with two simulations. The first simulation uses existing data and network expansion, and the second simulation improves the network in the first simulation. The water to be distributed is 35 liters/second. The type of pipe used is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with a diameter of 100 mm along 3385 m and a diameter of 75 mm along 1729 m. In the second running of Epanet 2.2, network improvements were made by adding pumps and changing pipe diameters. The results of the second running of Epanet 2.2 obtained the value of pressure in the farthest area, namely nodes J54, is 20.33 m. The velocity value on the L53 pipe link is 0.57 m/s and the headloss unit value is 11.03 m/km.


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Cara Mengutip

Ilma Rohaina, Utomo, K. P., & Kadaria, U. (2024). Development Planning of Clean Water Distribution Network System in Teluk Keramat District of Sambas Regency. Casuarina: Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan, 2(1), 60–66. Diambil dari


