Publication Ethics

Agriva Journal (Journal of Agriculture and Forestry), is a journal managed by the Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong, published by the Institute for Research and Community Services (LP3M) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong. The Agriva Journal was first published in 2001 in the printed version of ISSN P 1412-6885 in 2016 acquired ISSN O 2503-4960.

Agriva Journal is a scientific journal which contains writings in the form of research results, book review, conceptual studies, and scientific works in the field of Agriculture and Forestry concerning relevant cultivation.

This statement of scientific code of ethics is a statement of code of ethics for all parties involved in the publication process of this scientific journal, namely managers, editors, peer reviewers, and writers.

The Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications essentially upholds three ethical values in publications, namely Neutrality, which is free from conflicting interests in the management of the publications; Justice, namely giving authorship rights to those entitled as authors; and Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism in publications.


  1. The author must present the manuscript of the results of the ideas or research in a clear, honest, and without duplication, data fabrication, data falsification, and plagiarism.
  2. The author is responsible for the confirmation submitted on the manuscript that has been written.
  3. The author must show references to the opinions and works of others quoted.
  4. Authors are not allowed to make the same duplicate manuscript and sent it to more than one journal simultaneously because it is unethical.
  5. The author must write the script ethically, honestly, and responsibly, in accordance with applicable scientific writing regulations.
  6. The author does not mind if the manuscript has edited the review and layout process without changing the substance or main ideas of the writing.
  7. If the writer finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the work of his own publication, the author's obligation is to immediately notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the manuscript that has been published.
  8. If the research uses hazardous chemicals the writer must clearly write the procedure in the manuscript.

Editor's Duties

  1. Agriva Journal Editor has the duty to decide on a suitable manuscript to be published through an editorial board meeting that refers to the applicable legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, duplication, data fabrication, data falsification, and plagiarism.
  2. Editor in the process of reviewing and accepting the manuscript, the team is based on the principle of equal treatment in making decisions to publish manuscripts by not distinguishing race, gender, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political ideology of the author.
  3. The editor must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor because of originality. The editor arranges and uses peer reviews according to his field of knowledge for papers to be published fairly and wisely. The editor should explain the process of peer review in their information for authors and also shows the parts of the journal which was by colleagues.
  4. The editor and editorial team will maintain the confidentiality of any information about the manuscripts or manuscripts entered except with the author's permission.
  5. Unpublished manuscripts will not be used by Agriva Journal research editors but will be returned directly to the authors.

Review Task

  1. Peer review helps the editor in making editorial decisions and through the editorial communication with the author if there is an improvement in the manuscript.
  2. Peer review must be fair and timely.
  3. Peer review must keep the manuscript confidential received when reviewed.
  4. The results of the peer review must be kept confidential not for personal benefit, or conflicts of interest with any party.
  5. The results of peer review if there is a substantial substantive similarity to be considered by the editor whether or not it is appropriate to publish.

Publisher Duties

  1. Agriva Journal Publisher is responsible for publishing incoming manuscripts which have been through the process of editing, reviewing, and layout in accordance with the rules of publishing a Scientific Journal and coordinated with LP3M.
  2. Agriva Journal Publisher is responsible for ensuring academic freedom for editors, Mitra bestari, and peer reviewers in carrying out their respective duties.
  3. Agriva Journal Publishers are responsible for maintaining the privacy and protecting intellectual property and copyright, and editorial