Responsif Gender dalam Melaksanakan Fungsi Keluarga yang Menangani Cyber Pornografi Remaja di Distrik Sorong Kota
Responsif, Fungsi Keluarga, Cyber Pornografy, RemajaAbstract
The times have made society more sophisticated in technology, the internet is real proof. One of the impacts that occur due to the internet is pornography on the internet. Responsive families are needed to prevent these adverse effects by carrying out their functions properly and appropriately. This study aims to determine responsiveness in carrying out family functions that handle adolescent cyber pornography. This research is also supported by a theory, namely structural-functional theory, which in carrying out family functions must be responsive (quick to respond) to achieve balance within the family. The research method used is a qualitative method with research procedures that produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observed behavior through data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that the lack of response given by families to their children is because there are still many families who do not understand technological advances, sophisticated technology makes families or parents have to adapt in learning it, and have difficulty supervising their children in cyberspace. which results in adolescents being free and arbitrary in using technology.
Atem, Ancaman Cyber Pornography Terhadap Anak-Anak. Jurnal Moral Masyarakat, Vol 1, No.2 Hal. 107-121, Desember 2016.
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