A Discourse Analysis Of Marielle’s Language Attitude To Overcome Her Anxiety In Danielle Steel’s Novel “Vanished” (A Psycholinguistic Study)
This thesis discusses a Vanished novel by Danielle Steel. The writer was interested to analyse this story because it talks about a woman who has got anxiety about her dating and marriage. But she doesn’t find the happiness that she hopes. The writer found a challenge to know further about how is Marielle’s language attitude to overcome her anxiety as implied in the novel. There is a problem that is analysed in this thesis: How is Marielle’s language attitude to overcome her anxiety in Danielle Steel’s novel “Vanished”? To achieve the objectives of the thesis, the research method was the descriptive qualitative method. The primary source is obtained from the novel, and the second sources are books and websites that are related to the theories of anxiety. To answer the problem above, the writer uses the approach of how to overcome anxiety. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that in the novel “Vanished” Marielle overcomes her anxiety related to some stronghold mechanism on the anxiety that is explained by Freud, such as repression (the release without deliberately something of consciousness), projection (consider an impulse that is not god as not theirs), Regression (back to the early period of this life more fun), rationalization (involves understanding the behaviour of our return to making it more rational and acceptable), removal (moving impulses towards other objects that can be satisfactory unavailable Id), isolation (avoid the feeling that unacceptable by releasing them from events should they bound), undoing (do the behaviour in effort to prevent impulse not acceptable).
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