Lexical and Grammatical Meanings in Selected of The Jakarta Post Headlines: Semantic Analysis


  • Ahmad Abdul Muhhit Universitas Gadjah Mada


meaning, lexical, grammatical, headlines, The Jakarta Post


The present study aims to analyze the lexical and grammatical meanings in selected headlines from The Jakarta Post. The research employs a qualitative approach with a descriptive design, aiming to explore and describe the semantic phenomena in the use of language within news headlines. The data consists of 75 headlines from The Jakarta Post published in December 2024. These headlines were selected based on their relevance and their representation of clear lexical and grammatical meanings. The data collection technique used in this study is documentation, where news headlines are systematically gathered for analysis. Data analysis follows the interactive model, which involves three stages, i.e. data reduction, data categorization, and conclusion drawing. In the first stage, relevant data are filtered and summarized. In the second stage, the data are categorized into lexical and grammatical meaning categories. Finally, conclusions are drawn based on the analysis results. The study reveals that lexical meanings in The Jakarta Post headlines provide clear, context-independent word interpretations. While grammatical meanings, shaped through affixation, composition, abbreviations, and acronyms, modify word forms to convey specific grammatical roles. Headlines effectively utilize these meanings to deliver concise and impactful messages. Understanding lexical and grammatical meanings is essential for decoding the semantic intricacies in news headlines. These meanings enhance clarity and efficiency in communication, making headlines more accessible and engaging for readers.




How to Cite

Muhhit, A. A. (2025). Lexical and Grammatical Meanings in Selected of The Jakarta Post Headlines: Semantic Analysis. JULIET: Journal of English Language and Literature, 2(1), 12–21. Retrieved from https://ejournal.um-sorong.ac.id/index.php/juliet/article/view/4142


