About the Journal

Journal title JUSTISI: Journal of Law
Initials JS
Frequency 3 issue per year | January- May - September
DOI 10.33506
E-ISSN 2686-0821
P-ISSN 1979-7532
Editor-in-chief Wahab Aznul Hidaya
Publisher Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong
Citation  Google Scholar | DOAJ | Sinta | Indexcopernicus

Justisi: Journal of Law is a periodical legal journal published by the Faculty of Law, University of Muhammadiyah Sorong (UNAMIN) with (p-ISSN: 1979-7532, e-ISSN: 2686-0821). The purpose of the JUSTISI Journal is as a means to improve research for academics and legal practitioners in accordance with National Standards. JUSTISI Journal is published three times a year, in January, May and September. JUSTISI: Journal of Law focuses on the study of legal issues in Indonesia and internationally covering Criminal Law, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, State Administrative Law, International Law and Legal Comparison. Based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0041/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023 concerning Notification of Scientific Journal Accreditation Results for Period III of 2022, in 2023 JUSTISI Journal is ranked III (SINTA 3) National Journal Accreditation.