Author Guidelines
- The script is typed on A4 size paper with space 1.5, 6-10 pages long with Times New Roman 12 font choices and saved in Microsoft Word file format.
- A copy of an article manuscript file may be sent in an attachment via OJS.
- Writing is the result of thought and research in the field of education. Articles are written in Indonesian or English.
- Systematic writing for the results of thought follows systematic (a) title, (b) name, (-name) researcher (without title), (c) abstract, (d) keyword, (e) introduction (without sub-headings) , (f) Relevant to the topic of study, (g) conclusions (and suggestions, if any), and (h) references.
- Systematic writing for the results of research follows systematic (a) title, (b) name of researcher (without title), (c) abstract, (d) keyword, (e) introduction (without subtitles), (f) method, (g) research result, (h) discussion (may also be incorporated by results), (i) conclusions (and suggestions, if any), and (j) references.
- The title of the article does not exceed 14 words in Indonesian and 12 words in English.
- Abstracts are presented in English and Indonesian and typed one space not exceeding 200 words whose contents include objectives, methods, findings / findings, and conclusions.
- References used in the writing are presented following the following writing system (recommended using Mendeley or Zotero).
- If the library source is an online journal article, it is written in sequence: author's name. year. article title. the name of the journal. volume (number): page (the name of the journal is italicized).
- If the source of a translation book is written in the following order: the name of the original author. years of translation. title of translation book. volume (if any). edition (if any). translation. publisher city: publisher name (Book title in italics).
- If the source of the article in the proceedings is written in the following order: author's name. year. title of the seminar. title proceedings. the venue of the seminar. the timing of the operation (The article title is italicized).
- If the source is an article in a general newspaper / magazine, it is written in the following order: author's name. year. article title. name of newspaper / magazine. city, publication date and pages (Article title is italicized).
- If a library of unpublished scientific papers (eg theses, theses, dissertations and research reports), are written in the following order: author's name. year. title of research report. name of research project. city publisher: institution publisher / institution (thesis writing / thesis / dissertation / research report in italics).